The Expert Group has handed in its nine recommendations to the Government of Denmark. One of the recommends is an establishment of a Data Ethics Council in which, among others, will support the responsible use of data for Danish businesses.
Ms. Christiane Vejlø, Chair of the Expert Group on Data Ethics:
"The responsible use of data will be crucial for European companies in the future. We have the culture to take the lead. We have the innovative power to combine technological progress with responsibility. We have critical consumers who will increasingly demand that products and companies have data ethics deeply rooted in their culture.
Our work on data ethics has been a sprint with nine concrete recommendations in which we today present the results. In the long run, the recommendations will contribute to the reflections on data ethics and the responsible use of data as both the culture and the competitive advantage are strengthened for Danish businesses towards the future."
In addition, The Expert Group recommends the creation of a dynamic toolbox containing guidance and instructions which makes it easy to incorporate data ethics. The recommendations will help create increased awareness and transparency about data ethics in the population and create an incentive for business to take responsibility and see the business potential in the responsible use of data.
Minister of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs Rasmus Jarlov:
“I would like to thank The Expert Group on Data Ethics for the effort which I know they have put into the recommendations. I’m pleased that the government now gets an array of recommendations towards the business potential in the responsible use of data. The government will now take a closer look on the recommendations and on how we politically can continue working with them.“
The Expert Group on Data Ethics has been working March with the overarching goal of figuring out how the responsible and sustainable use of data can be turned into a competitive edge for companies. The Government expects to follow up on the recommendations with concrete policy initiatives.
Recommendations on data ethics
For further enquires contact: Jesper Ingemann,, tel.: 91 39 94 14.